Distributing Trust

We build open source software and contribute research to onboard the first billion people to Bitcoin.

The Company

Distributed Crafts is at the forefront of innovation and expertise in blockchain technology. With a strong technical team leading our initiatives, we're driving the development of the next era of blockchain solutions.

We are committed to pushing the boundaries of innovation in Bitcoin, interoperability, security, and crypto-economics. Through our unwavering dedication to research and development, we're shaping the future of blockchain technology with a global impact.

a man sitting in a chair in front of a crowd

backed by

...and more


Technological advantage stems from persistent and rigorous research. Founded by ex-Imperial College London PhDs, we are dedicated to contribute to cutting-edge researcharound Bitcoin, interoperability, security, and crypto-economics.

Since 2015, we've been dedicated contributors to advancing Bitcoin and blockchain technology.

What is BitVM? What can it do for Bitcoin rollups?

BitVM is an offchain virtual machine that could completely change the landscape for Layer 2s on Bitcoin. We cover what BitVM is, and how it can impact Bitcoin rollups. Collaboration with Bitcoinrollups.io.

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Stablecoins 2.0:

Stablecoins are one of the most widely capitalized digital assets. We provide a sound foundation for stablecoin theory, in collaboration with Cornell University and Imperial College London.

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SoK: Communication Across Distributed Ledgers

Since Bitcoin's inception, diverse blockchains have emerged. Cross-chain communication (CCC) is vital for exchanges, scalability, sidechains, and new blockchains. Explore our solutions in collaboration with Imperial College London, UCL, IOHK, EPFL, TU Vienna, University of Athens, and University of Edinburgh.

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Discover our ongoing efforts to revolutionize the intersection of Bitcoin and the broader blockchain ecosystem. From Interlay's modular, programmable layer opening decentralized financial horizons for BTC, to BOB's pioneering hybrid Layer-2 solution bridging Bitcoin's security with Ethereum's innovation, delve into the future of decentralized finance and mass adoption.

BOB ("Build on Bitcoin") is a first-of-its-kind hybrid Layer-2 powered by Bitcoin and Ethereum. By combining the security, liquidity, userbase, and innovation of the two largest blockchain ecosystems, BOB closes the gap between Bitcoin as a vehicle for mass adoption and Ethereum as a hub for innovation.

This is achieved through BOB's rollup ecosystem that will use Bitcoin for security while enabling users to access all the on and off-ramps, dapps, stablecoins, NFTs, DeFi, etc. made possible by Ethereum's EVM. BOB is backed by Castle Island Ventures, Coinbase Ventures, Mechanism Capital, Bankless Ventures, and other high-profile VCs and is positioned to become the most secure and accessible Layer-2 for builders and users.Interlay

Visit Bob
a bunch of bitcoins sitting on top of each other

Interlay is a modular, programmable layer between Bitcoin and the multi-chain ecosystem that unlocks decentralized (financial) use cases for BTC. Interlay's vision is to help Bitcoin achieve mass adoption by unlocking decentralized (financial) use cases for BTC and removing the need for centralized services.

Visit Interlay


Our team is distributed globally across Europe (primary time zone), North America, and Asia. We live by the principles of decentralization and transparency. Operating as a 100% remote team, all our code is open source, and our products are community-owned, backed by top-tier research. Since 2015, we've been dedicated contributors to advancing Bitcoin and blockchain technology.

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The Distributed Crafts team sat down posing for a photo